You're Under Arrest, Surge!
Coaxing more RF protec on with coaxial surge protectors
A common challenge facing radio and antenna installers is sites
that leave equipment exposed to the elements. How do you
protect sensi ve equipment and avoid costly repairs?
Depending on the loca on, installa ons face a number of
environmental threats:
● Power surges caused by lightning strikes
● Risk of fires or explosions
● Flammable gasses or vapors at hazardous sites.
A proven way to guard against power surges is to use coaxial RF
surge protectors, also known as radio frequency lightning surge
protectors, or lightning surge arrestors/suppressors.They are
designed with components to pass desired frequencies while
suppressing electromagne c pulse (EMP), high-al tude EMP
(HEMP), or power surges caused by lightning or other strong
electrical changes.
Inline RF surge protectors made by such manufacturers as
PolyPhaser are similar in size and appearance to an RF adapter.
The TSX surge arrestor has a patented spiral inductor inside.
It provides nearly instantaneous response to a lightning or
other destruc ve surge while maintaining RF performance.
TSX surge arrestors have a broadband frequency range from
698 MHz to 2.7 GHz. They perform to Na onal Fire Protec on
Associa on (NFPA) requirements for flammable gasses
or vapors.
Providing protec on from transients and built for hazardous
loca ons, the PolyPhaser TSX series provides reliable RF surge
protec on when you need it most. For more informa on
on PolyPhaser's new hazardous loca ons surge arrestors,
click here.
QUARTER 2 2022