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Comments came due Monday in the FCC's inquiry into how it should handle the 12.7-13.25 GHz band, and as one can imagine, it's ge ng an earful. The commission is considering how it can encourage more efficient and intensive use of the band, dubbed by some as the 13 GHz band, and whether it's suitable for mobile broadband or other expanded use. It's currently being used by various incumbents, including for Broadcast Auxiliary and Cable Television Relay Services, Fixed Microwave Service and Fixed Satellite Service. Let's go: 5G for 12 GHz Coali on One of the groups very familiar with the 12 GHz band – albeit the lower part of the band, from 12.2 to 12.7 GH – is the 5G for 12 GHz Coali on. The organiza on is primarily interested in maximizing the lower 12 GHz band for two-way terrestrial and 5G mobile and fixed services, but it also supports the agency's efforts to expand opportuni es for addi onal opera ons in the 13 GHz band. According to the coali on, making the 12 GHz and 13 GHz bands available for 5G is cri cal to the country's leadership goals. Adding 500 megahertz of 12 GHz spectrum and 550 megahertz in the 13 GHz band would allow the U.S. to overtake several interna onal compe tors, including China, and put the U.S. back into a global leadership posi on when it comes to 5G. Dish Network is part of the 5G for 12 GHz Coali on. Dish told the commission that it's all well and fine that they update the rules for the 13 GHz band, but it wants to see some ac on on the en re 12 GHz band. Dish and the 5G for 12 GHz Coali on have been embroiled in a ba le with SpaceX and others over how the 12.2-12.7 GHz spectrum gets allocated. RS Access has been with Dish in its pursuit of the lower 12 GHz band for 5G. RS Access CEO V Noah Campbell said he's impressed by the FCC's aggressive pursuit of iden fying new mid-band frequencies that can support U.S. 5G leadership. He told Fierce this week that he's hopeful the upper 12 GHz will be FCC hears all about how it should deal with the 13 GHz band The commission is considering how it can encourage more efficient and intensive use of the band, dubbed by some as the 13 GHz band, and whether it's suitable for mobile broadband or other expanded use. (Ar cle con nues on the next page.) Talleycom.com SHEET QUARTER 4 2022

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