As of June 14, DISH Wireless is offering 5G broadband1 service
to over 70 percent of the U.S. popula on, giving more than
240 million Americans access to the very latest in connec vity
technology. This marks a major milestone for DISH and the U.S.
telecom industry, as we designed, built and deployed a first-of-its-
kind 5G network in three years. DISH has also sa sfied all other
June 14, 2023 FCC commitments, including launching over 15,000
5G sites.
"Our teams have worked relessly for years, and this achievement
is a testament to their dedica on and commitment as we grow
the world's first and only 5G cloud-na ve Open RAN network,"
said Dave Mayo, execu ve vice president, Network Development,
DISH Wireless. "We appreciate the con nued support and efforts
of our partners as DISH con nues to lead the industry in Open RAN
DISH is also the first wireless service provider to launch 5G voice
service – called voice over new radio (VoNR) – in the U.S. Since
going live in Las Vegas last year, DISH steadily increased VoNR
func onality to addi onal markets. Our VoNR service now covers
more than 70 million people across the U.S. through both Boost
Mobile and Boost Infinite. DISH plans to con nue rolling out VoNR
service as the network is further op mized for this next-genera on
voice technology.
"As a leader in Open RAN technology, DISH is playing a major
role in the transforma on of America's wireless infrastructure
and the way the world communicates," said John Swieringa,
president and chief opera ng officer, DISH Wireless. "We have
made significant progress on our network buildout, and can now
focus on mone zing the network through retail and enterprise
growth. With more markets across the country offering the DISH
5G network for voice, text and data services, our business can
start realizing the benefits of owner economics."
Customers can access the DISH 5G broadband network
through Project Genesis, which provides valuable customer
input on network performance impac ng our broader retail
wireless users. It is available to anyone in a qualifying loca on
within the 70 percent coverage area. To sign up for Project
Genesis unlimited data, voice and text, visit
The motorola edge+ 2023 is now available to Project Genesis
subscribers, and is equipped with three carrier aggrega on that
supports Bands 29, 66, 70 and 712.
The DISH 5G network is also available to both Boost Mobile
and Boost Infinite subscribers who own or purchase a network
compa ble device in over 50 markets na onwide. Addi onal
Boost Mobile and Boost Infinite markets, and DISH 5G network
compa ble devices will con nue to become available throughout
the year.
DISH will file its FCC buildout report no later than July 14, 2023.
For a complete list of DISH's wireless partners, please visit
Ar cles Credit: h ps://
us-popula on-301851576.html
The DISH 5G Network is
Now Available to Over
70 Percent of the U.S.
QUARTER 2 2023