Talley Inc

Talley Sheet Q3 2023

All of the most critical gear for the tower erectors, contractors, and professionals in the wireless communications infrastructure industry

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In Part 1, we look at how the tradi onal approach to discrete FTTA cabling is changing—and what that means for operators. Let's get to it. Tradi onal discrete FTTA approach The very first FTTA solu ons didn't involve the use of fiber at all, but coaxial cable. However, the idea was the same. Mul ple discrete runs of a data transmission media and power conductors were prepped on the ground before being pulled up the tower where they connected the antennas (and later RRUs) with the base sta on equipment in the shelter. When the RRU was detached from the baseband unit (BBU) and relocated to the top of the tower, the coaxial cable was replaced by fiber. While the fiber was smaller and lighter, the discrete FTTA method con nued to be very me intensive. About 20 percent of the me needed to cable a typical three-sector site using a tradi onal discrete approach is spent on the ground, where each individual cable must be measured, cut and prepped. The majority of the installa on me is spent a aching the pulleys to each RRU in prepara on for pulling the cables up the tower. Once the cable has been pulled, it must be connectorized— crea ng another poten al bo leneck. O en, the connectors supplied with OEM-bundled discrete FTTA solu ons are serviceable but do not match the exact requirements of the equipment. Many mes, the mismatch is simply due to the OEM's limited access to the full range of connector types. Regardless of the reason, installers must work slowly and carefully so as not to damage the connectors while trying to make them fit. Despite the me delays and costs involved, the tradi onal discrete FTTA solu on con nues to be widely used—primarily because its design and deployment process are familiar to most installers. Several years ago, CommScope wondered if it would be possible to adapt the tradi onal discrete FTTA method in such a way that installers could accelerate deployment while maintaining its familiarity. It turns out that the answer lay in making two important modifica ons. HELIAX® Discrete FTTA solu on Func onally, the CommScope HELIAX® Discrete FTTA solu on is no different than the tradi onal discrete models. Individual cables— consis ng of two op cal fibers or two power conductors—run from the BBU at the bo om of the tower to the antennas and RRUs at the top. The key differences are in the amount of prepara on needed prior to hois ng the cables and the wider range of connector op ons available. As noted, the tradi onal discrete approach requires installers to spool out and measure the precise lengths of cable needed. This involves physically measuring off thousands of feet of cable to the exact length. The HELIAX ® Discrete FTTA solution overcomes this obstacle by enabling customers to order the exact cable length and type needed for each run. Cables are precisely measured and cut prior to delivery. The cable ends are also inspected to ensure there are no burrs or other imperfec ons that may impede the onsite cable prepara ons. This not only eliminates the need to measure off mul ple lengths of cable, but it also helps speed the job of correctly prepping the cable ends to ensure proper connectoriza on. CommScope also maintains our own in-house trucking fleet, enabling us to customize delivery based on our customers' schedules and individual needs. The second major advantage of the HELIAX ® Discrete FTTA solu on over tradi onal discrete models is the range of connector types and sizes available. Most tradi onal discrete FTTA solu ons are provided as part of a bundled package from the radio or RRU OEM. Because cabling and connectoriza on is not their core discipline, the selec on of connector op ons is limited. When MNO customers order through CommScope, however, they have access to a much broader inventory. As a result, we are able to provide the best-fit solu on for virtually any FTTA applica on and environment. This not only speeds deployment, but it also improves reliability of the overall link. CommScope's in-house performance tes ng of all FTTA cables and connectors, conducted under the toughest environmental condi ons, further ensures reliability. A be er discrete FTTA solu on is just the beginning The net effect for network operators is a customized discrete FTTA approach that provides a best-fit solu on for a variety of applica ons—RRU and non-RRU applica ons, individual and trunked fiber and power. With its familiar design and me-saving customiza ons it is also typically more costeffec ve than OEMs' bundled solutions. As a member of the HELIAX ® family of RF connectivity solutions, our discrete FTTA cables and connectors have 40+ years of proven connec vity performance in the field. Cable and connector performance are rigorously tested prior to shipping to ensure fewer (if any) failures. The result is increased network up me and improved end-user experience. Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 of our blog series. You'll learn how CommScope has gone far beyond the tradi onal discrete FTTA model to redefine your ability to effortlessly adapt and evolve your network well into the future. In the mean me, you can find more informa on about FTTA solu ons for your network needs by visi ng Talley's website or contac ng your local Talley representa ve today. Talleycom.com SHEET QUARTER 3 2023

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