Talley Inc


All of the most critical gear for the tower erectors, contractors, and professionals in the wireless communications infrastructure industry

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terminate at a breakout box located just below the RRUs. Jumpers connect the RRUs and antennas to the breakout box. A single trunk can support up to nine RRUs and/or antennas. With just one cable to prep, hoist and connect, the trunk-to- breakout box solu on requires only one installer. By reducing the cable count, it also uses fewer cable brackets, creates less tower loading and requires less installa on me. Network upgrades and expansions are also faster and easier. To add or upgrade RRUs or antennas, just add or replace the jumpers. Not only is it faster and easier, but replacing the jumpers instead of the en re FTTA trunk also creates far less environmental impact. Because the single trunk is lighter than mul ple individual cable runs, this approach enables more equipment to be added within tower loading specifica ons Many of these same design characteris cs also deliver environmental benefits, helping operators shrink their network carbon footprint. For example, elimina ng the majority of cable brackets typically needed for a site deployment significantly reduces the mined materials required. Fewer cables also means less packaging waste. Plus, all cables and connectors are rigorously tested in the toughest environmental condi ons before they are shipped. The resul ng increase in reliability reduces the number of truck rolls, further lowering CO 2 emissions and fossil fuel usage. Finally, as upgrades and expansions only require swapping out jumpers, operators can eliminate the environmental impacts of producing, transpor ng and installing an en rely new FTTA link. HELIAX Modular FTTA solu on CommScope's HELIAX Modular FTTA solu on takes the hybrid trunk design used in the trunk-to-breakout box a step further. It consists of configurable and preconnectorized fiber, power or hybrid trunks, plus a variety of plug-and-play breakout solu ons, including CommScope's stackable and recyclable SkyBlox™ breakout system. When deployed with the SkyBlox stackable breakout, the HELIAX Modular FTTA solu on provides a simpler, more streamlined FTTA solu on that makes the best use of available tower space and loading budget. This is due, in part, to its highly customizable configura ons that enable the operator to specify the number of power conductors and/or fibers needed. The use of small-bend-radius fiber and the elimina on of metal shielding improves performance and minimizes passive intermodula on, which could otherwise cripple FTTA performance. Meanwhile, the lightweight and flexible design of both the cabling and breakout solu on reduce the amount of weight on a macro tower or small cell site by as much as 50 percent, thereby reducing installa on and lease costs—helping operators shorten me to revenue. Once deployed, upgrading the modular FTTA solu on is as easy as replacing or adding jumpers. With the plug-and-play SkyBlox stackable breakout system, you can support con nued network growth while minimizing your tower footprint. The solu on is also helping operators meet their aggressive goals as they move toward net-zero networks. Specifically, it uses recyclable cabling materials that are CPR class CCA rated for safety, compliance and environmental sustainability. Each SkyBlox breakout module is made of 100 percent recyclable material. And the use of preconnectorized trunks and jumpers helps customers reduce their field waste. What's your FTTA strategy? As MNOs try to get their arms around the near-future demand for FTTA deployments, one sta s c stands out. According to a recent market report from Industry ARC, the global market for 5G RRHs, a primary driver of FTTA, is forecast to con nue growing at 61.4 percent (CAGR) through 2026. ii This suggests there is some urgency in mapping out an FTTA strategy that operators can use to navigate the new complexi es at the top of the tower. Deployment speed, tower load considera ons, upgradeability and global climate change are all factors that need to be given serious weight when making the decision. For over 40 years, CommScope has leveraged our global R&D resources, deep RF path experience, and close customer rela onships to develop the innova ve solu ons that help network operators con nuously adapt and evolve their networks. We bring all our resources and experience to bear on engineering FTTA solu ons and strategies that keep our customers fast, agile and ready for what's next. For more informa on on CommScope's HELIAX por olio of future-ready FTTA solu ons, scan the qr code or visit Talley's website to explore CommScope's solu ons. You can also contact your local Talley representa ve today to discuss your network needs. i MarketWatch, Inc., press release; December 22, 2022 ii 5G Remote Radio Head Market—Forecast (2023–2028); Industry ARC, research report Scan to view CommScope Heliax Solu ons Talleycom.com SHEET QUARTER 4 2023

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