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5G-Advanced, otherwise known as 5.5G, is a new category of network technologies that builds on the founda ons of 5G networks to digitally transform industry and user experiences. It's been nearly four years since 5G network deployment has go en 'properly underway' in the United States, according to the European 5G Observatory. Like 4G and 5G, 5G-Advanced was developed by the 3rd Genera on Partner Project (3GPP), a conglomerate of standards organiza ons that develop protocols for mobile telecommunica ons. The term 5G-Advanced was first used on January 6, 2023, when 3GPP, called it the mid-point of 5G standardiza on in its Release 18 Update. Since then, 5G incumbent Huawei claims to have made significant progress in the development of 5G-Advanced technologies including extremely large antenna arrays (ELAAs) to support 10 gigabit downlink, flexible spectrum access, and passive IoT. At the 5G Advanced Forum during MWC Shanghai 2023 Huawei's President of ICT Products & Solu ons, Yang Chaobin said, "In 2024, Huawei will launch a complete set of commercial 5.5G network equipment to be prepared for the commercial deployment of 5.5G." However, Huawei is not innova ng alone. Organiza ons such as Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, ZTE, Cisco, Qualcomm, and Intel are all fiercely compe ng for dominance in the burgeoning market. Nokia iden fies these key improvements brought on by 5G-Advanced: • XR (AR, VR, gaming): Through the enhancement of applica on awareness XR workloads can be moved from the device to the network, resul ng in smaller devices with be er mobility. • Enhanced coverage and MIMO performance: According to the company, 5G-Advanced is projected to deliver 20% higher data rates than 5G, delivering lower uplink latencies. • 5G to replace GSM-R: The Future Railway Mobile Communica on System (FRMCS) developed by the Interna onal Union of Railways, which will replace GSM-R in Europe by 2030, will use 5G new radio (NR) for its dedicated spectrum bandwidths due to its u lity; and to address public safety concerns. • Evolu on beyond the smartphone: Nokia claims the enhanced connec vity of 5G-Advanced networks will usher in a new era of both full and 'Reduced Capability' devices. These 'RedCap' devices will offer significantly reduced prices, at the cost of performance and flexibility. • Accurate posi oning: 5G-Advanced will also offer enhancements in terms of cellular-based posi oning, including the iden fica on of non-line-of-sight paths as well as cen meter-level accuracy for both indoors and outdoors scenarios. Resilient ming: 5G has started to become a viable alterna ve to GNSS/GPS for synchronizing func ons to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) or any other well-defined me domain. Network opera on efficiency: Through the introduc on of ar ficial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to the RAN, core and network management domains, 5G-Advanced improves performance and energy efficiency with automa on. As the 5.5G era grows nearer to beginning mobile network providers s ll struggling to move past 4G will now need to decide whether their future lies with 5G or 5G-Advanced. Addi onally, 3GPP has already announced that a er Release 20 the company will shi its focus to the development of 6G which will likely integrate these features Ar cle Credit: h ps:// on/ what-5g-advanced-55g-0 What is 5G-Advanced? SHEET QUARTER 2 2024