Pg. 1 Talley: Suppor ng Emergency
Preparedness During
Hurricane Season
Pg. 4 Enhance Fire Safety with RFS
Technologies, an Amphenol
Company RADIAFLEX® Cables
Pg. 6 Beware of Fakes: The
True Cost of Counterfeit
LMR® Cables
Pg. 10 Is the window closing for
standalone 5G?
Pg. 13 Companies – not countries –
will create the next G
Pg. 14 SNS: RAN automa on
spending to hit $700M
by 2027
Quarter 3 2024
Talley: Supporting
Emergency Preparedness
During Hurricane Season
Reliable antennas are essen al for maintaining
communica on during disasters. Talley provides a wide
selec on of antennas designed to withstand severe weather,
ensuring emergency personnel can establish and maintain
clear lines of communica on, even when other networks fail.
Hurricane season is here and the need for reliable communica on and emergency
equipment becomes more crucial than ever. At Talley, we understand the profound
impact that natural disasters can have on communi es and the essen al role that
first responders play in mi ga ng these effects. As a trusted distributor, we are
commi ed to equipping our customers with the highest-quality products to ensure
they are prepared for any situa on.
The Importance of Preparedness
Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, can strike with li le warning, leaving
devasta on in their wake. The ability of emergency personnel to respond
effec vely o en hinges on their access to dependable communica on tools
and equipment. When every second counts, having the right gear can mean the
difference between life and death.
Talley's Commitment to Our Customers
As a leading distributor of wireless communica ons infrastructure, Talley is proud
to offer a wide range of products specifically designed to support emergency
preparedness and response efforts.
Our selec on includes: