Diagnose without
Climbing the Tower
Anritsu's New PIM Masterâ„¢ B-series
Diagnoses PIM Issues Reducing Time
and Costs
Cable and antenna systems are a cri cal link in any wireless communica ons
network. The quality of the components and their installa on have a
significant impact on network performance, site reliability, and ul mately,
customer sa sfac on.
To operate at maximum poten al, the cable and antenna system must
pass radio frequency (RF) signals between mobile subscribers and the
base transceiver sta on (BTS) as efficiently as possible (minimum loss,
minimum reflec ons), and without genera ng unwanted noise (passive
intermodula on).
Diagnosing and troubleshoo ng PIM problems is an expensive and
me consuming exercise. It not only requires hours of resources but
also degrades QoS since the site has to be shut down. The problem is
exacerbated by new bands such as FirstNet introduced into LTE networks
that make the RF environment more conducive to PIM.
PIM is a growing issue for cellular network operators. PIM issues may occur
as existing equipment ages, when co-locating new carriers, or when
installing new equipment. PIM is a particular issue when overlaying
(diplexing) new carriers into old antenna runs. PIM can create interference
that will reduce a cell's receive sensitivity or even block calls. This
interference can affect both the cell that creates it as well as other nearby
receivers. PIM is created by high transmitter power, so on-site PIM testing
needs to be done at or above the original transmitter power levels to make
sure that the test reveals any PIM issues.
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(Article continues on the next page)
QUARTER 1 2022
Diagnose without
Climbing the Tower
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