In the rapidly evolving world of telecommunica ons, few things ma er more
than trust. At Talley, trust has been the bedrock of our business for over 40
years. Since our founding in 1983 by John R. Talley and Elizabeth J. Talley, we
have had the privilege of becoming one of the na on's leading distributors
of wireless infrastructure communica ons and mobile products. Our journey
has been shaped by a steadfast commitment to quality, technical exper se,
and innova ve solu ons that address the unique needs of our customers.
Through an exci ng announcement, Rexel, a global leader in electrical
distribu on, has acquired Talley. This strategic partnership heralds a new
era in telecommunica ons, uni ng the strengths of two industry giants to
deliver unparalleled service, solu ons, and connec vity for customers across
the U.S.
Our President and CEO, Mark Talley, states, "We are thrilled to join forces
with Rexel, a leader in the electrical distribu on industry. Maintaining the
Talley brand and culture, alongside and as a part of the Rexel brand and
culture, will create strategic value for our customers, suppliers, communi es,
and stakeholders. Our combined strengths, offering best-in-class products,
services, and solu ons, will empower our customers and suppliers to thrive."
Rexel, with a presence in over 25 countries, brings to the table a legacy of
innova on and superior service across the construc on, industrial, and
energy sectors. Their commitment to customer-centric solu ons aligns
seamlessly with our values and customer-first approach. Together, we aim to
leverage our combined exper se to drive transforma ve change, providing
innova ve solu ons that exceed expecta ons and ensure seamless
connec vity in today's digital landscape.
Forging a
Partnership to
Revolutionize U.S.
Pg. 1-2 Forging a Transforma ve
Partnership to
Revolu onize U.S.
Telecommunica ons
Pg. 5 What is 5G-Advanced?
Pg. 9 Nokia, NASA to Take 4G
to the moon
Pg. 10 Dragonskin Deployments
Across the USA & Canada
Pg. 13 SpaceX Says it's Ready
for a Fall Satellite-To-Cell
Service with T-Mobile
Quarter 2 2024