Talley Inc

Talley Sheet Q2 2024

All of the most critical gear for the tower erectors, contractors, and professionals in the wireless communications infrastructure industry

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Page 9 of 15

DragonSkin, developed by RFS Technologies, represents a significant innova on in the field of fire protec on and public safety communica ons. Adhering to the stringent guidelines of the NFPA 72 pathway survivability requirements, DragonSkin offers a unique solu on that sets new standards in ensuring con nuous communica on during emergencies. This is par cularly crucial for first responders who rely on uninterrupted informa on flow to effec vely manage situa ons and save lives in high-temperature and on-fire environments. The technology behind DragonSkin is designed to withstand extreme condi ons, providing a reliable communica on pathway that remains opera onal even in the most challenging scenarios. One of the most compelling advantages of DragonSkin is its efficiency and the economic benefits it offers. It provides Authori es Having Jurisdic on (AHJs) and public safety communica ons officers with a low total cost of ownership (TCO) solu on. This affordability, combined with its high performance, makes DragonSkin an a rac ve op on for integrators looking to implement fire-protected systems, especially in the retrofit market where cost and ease of installa on are cri cal considera ons. By choosing DragonSkin, integrators can meet the required safety standards without incurring excessive costs, making it an ideal choice for buildings and facili es looking to upgrade their fire safety measures. Moreover, the innova on that RFS Technologies has brought to the table with DragonSkin addresses a vital need in the market for standalone cables capable of opera ng under dire condi ons. The ability of DragonSkin to ensure the func onality of communica on systems in emergency situa ons not only enhances the safety of occupants in buildings but also significantly increases the protec on and opera onal efficiency of first responders. As the world's first standalone cable designed with such a specific and cri cal purpose in mind, DragonSkin is set to revolu onize the approach to public safety communica ons, offering a robust solu on that priori zes the lives and safety of those on the front lines. To purchase or learn more about the DragonSkin solu ons available at Talley click here. dragonskin deployments across the usa & canada 15 Deployments in Canada 1170 Deployments 51 states in the USA Talleycom.com SHEET QUARTER 2 2024

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